Hi friends! Sorry I have been MIA for the past week. I went to visit my parents in Arizona for a much needed long weekend. It was so nice to just stay in pajamas, hang with my family, play with the pups, and just r-e-l-a-x.
Highlights from the weekend were:
1. Major family time- With a pretty aggressive travel schedule beginning for work, I was so thrilled to unplug and spend time with my parents and grandparents. Sitting around the heat lamps at night, going out to delicious meals, and just laying in bed together was pure bliss. Oh yeah, I even gave my mom a Poshmark tutorial and got her first few listings up, I think she's officially addicted.
2. Memory Lane- Going through childhood arts & crafts, old photos, and toys was so fun. I'm so grateful to have parents who have held onto such great memories for so long! They even had a bag full of greeting cards from the time I was born, to the time I was bat-mitzvah'ed--13 years of cards?! Yup. I can't wait to show my children these things, and do the same for them.
3. Shopping- Some of you may have seen my tweets, but I scored some MAJOR bargains while in Arizona. About ten pairs of shoes, two winter coats, and a slew of other goodies all for about $200-#winning.
I ended my trip by driving my old SUV back up to San Francisco. Yes, 12 hours, 760 miles, and a whole lot of music. It wasn't the most enjoyable of days, but I am glad to be back home safely and with Tula....for now. Heading to Seattle Thursday! NBD. ;-)