If you follow me on
Twitter or
Instagram, you may have seen that I embarked on a juice cleanse journey this week. If you had asked me one month ago if I ever would do a cleanse, the answer would have been a flat out NO. But, since I began back at my workout routine and eating clean, my inner self wanted the challenge...and a challenge it was. To be honest, at first I only ordered a two day cleanse thinking that this would be a good starter cleanse, but when Blue Print accidentally sent me a 3 day cleanse (they have great customer service btw), I felt like it was telling me to challenge myself even further, and that's exactly what I did.
Here's a recap of each day and how I felt:
Day 1- Excited, ready, and high energy. Because I still had food in my system from the day before I didn't feel any huge side effects besides a slight coffee headache at the end of the day. The juices kept my full (yes, full) and they taste great! By the end of day one I was still full of energy, but kept myself busy in the evening by painting my nails, doing laundry, and whitening my teeth to not think about eating.
Day 2- Not excited, and woke up with a huge headache. This is when I knew my body was starting to detox. The juices still kept me full, but were harder to get through them all-- I don't think I finished half of one. I even had to leave work early because I was feeling dizzy, exhausted and headachy. They suggested sweating the toxins out so I took a hot shower which seemed to help with how I was feeling, and then I went to bed SO early and slept for 12 hours which was much needed.
Day 3- Refreshed, energetic and positive! Yesterday I woke up feeling so great, clear minded and saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I had no more headache, wasn't hungry, and was so ready to take on the day. I definitely felt like my body was feeling cleansed after the slightly awful day 2. The end of day 3 ended on a high note because of the way my body felt.
All in all it was a great accomplishment that I am so happy to share with you all. I highly suggest doing a cleanse to reboost your body AND mind. Don't ever think you can't do something, because if you put your mind to it, you can! If you have any other questions about my experience feel free to ask!