Pants, Blouse & Hat: H&M // Shoes: Charlotte Russe // Cuff: Forever 21 // Tote: Rebecca Minkoff // Twitter Plate Necklace: Bauble Bar
I've been wanting a baseball hat for quite some time now, and on my latest trip to H&M, I found the the perfect, simple black one which- this may sound silly- but I am a huge Jay-z fan and it reminded me of him (hip hopper alert!) And why not wear it with leather pants, floral top and my fave Rebecca Minkoff neon tote? Thought it made this otherwise simple look(er..simple to me) a little more fun and cool!
What do you think? Will you be rocking a baseball hat this summer?
That neon tote is AWESOME. U look really good on a baseball hat. Wish I could pull it off.
ReplyDeleteThis is a much edgier look than I'm used to seeing you in...and I love it! The hat is adorable on you!
ReplyDeleteLove that neon bag! Not sure if I can pull off a baseball hat but it looks great on you!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I LOVE that necklace. Amanda, that's FN sweet! Next time we hang, we'll rock the mic together, ADORE hip hop!
Blue Vanilla
tempat cetak kaos murah . disini saja...
ReplyDeletetempat cetak kaos online murah . disini saja...
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tempat harga baju kaos murah . disini saja...
Hallo teman teman semua nya.. Yuk yang mau buat kaos, polo shirt, seragam PDH PDL untuk event, organisasi, perusahaan, dan komunitas kami menawarkan solusi. @amanah_garment_jogja siap membantu produksi produk konveksi teman teman semua.
ReplyDeleteKami telah menangani orderan dari instansi SPBU Pertamina, Samsung, Kementrian ESDM, PT. BUKAKA, Kementrian kesehatan, kaos partai dari pak ganjar pranowo, pak ridwan kamil, Kampus UGM, UMY, UAD, UNY, UTY, UII, STIE YKPN dan masih banyak lagi. Kami memiliki 52 Mesin produksi dan 200 Meja sablon yang siap melayani partai besar / kecil.
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